Celebrating Hantaru, Free the BPHTB

epajak.or.id – Celebrating Hantaru, Bekasi Regency Government Will Free the BPHTB Fee in the PTSL Program, In commemoration of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Day (Hantaru) 2023, the Bekasi Regency Government together with the Bekasi Regency Land Office strive to realize the National Strategic Program (PSN) in favor of the community. One of them is by freeing up the fees for Acquisition of Land and Building Rights (BPHTB) in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program.

Pj Regent of Bekasi Dani Ramdan revealed that the program is targeted to be realized next year. Where the main objective is to help people who take part in the PTSL program in Bekasi Regency.

“Indeed, until now the data is still being completed by the land office, once the data is complete, we will calculate and calculate. Indeed, by freeing it, it means that there is a potential loss of Regional Original Revenue (PAD), but on the other hand, after that the tax will be recorded, because many of the shortcomings of the Land and Building Tax (PBB) are the recording of land transactions. If we receive the data this month, it means that the earliest will be next year,” he said in a written statement, quoted on Tuesday (09/25).

Meanwhile, Head of the Bekasi Regency Land Office Darman Satia Halomoan Simanjuntak said that his party is seeking the local government to help people who are included in the PTS program by covering the PTSL costs. Referring to the President’s instruction that the local government must contribute to the success of the PSN.

“Indeed, we have met three times because it must be in the form of a Regent Regulation (Perbup) and have met intensely together between the local government and the Land Office, to formulate appropriate regulations so that there is no element of loss from PAD. That’s why there must be a standard rule,” he said.

Darman added, on this year’s Hantaru commemoration, the Bekasi Regency Land Office is also targeting this year’s PTSL program to be completed entirely faster or precisely in October.


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“For PTSL, it is a PSN program which this year is allocated 13,272 but we ask for 20,000 and of the 13,272 whose budget has been fixed, we have reached 60 percent, so we are just waiting for 40 percent, we hope it will be completed in October,” he said.

Furthermore, he also said that if there is indeed an addition to 20,000 or an additional 6,728 we will postpone it, and wait for its completion perhaps in December.

“So, the progress of PTSL in Bekasi Regency from 13 villages plus a few more villages to around 20 villages for this year’s program, it has been running well, hopefully this year the target can be completed in October,” concluded Darman.

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