epajak.or.id – North Maluku Provincial Government to Develop Two New Tax Object Sectors , The North Maluku Provincial Government (Malut), through the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) will work on two new tax object sectors in 2024. This was conveyed directly by the Head of Bapenda Malut Zainab Alting during the Regional Revenue Coordination Meeting with all OPDs within the scope of the North Maluku Provincial Government some time ago.
The two tax objects in question are heavy equipment tax and non-metal and rock mineral tax (MBLB), based on Law number 1 of 2022 concerning Central and Regional Financial Relations (HKPD), as well as its derivative Government Regulation (PP) number 35 of 2022. In fact, currently the draft regional regulation has also entered the evaluation stage by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).
“If the regional regulation is ratified, it will come into effect from January 2024,” he said, quoted by Tax Magazine on Friday (29/09).
That way, he added that the tax object that is the responsibility of Bapenda Malut has increased. From the previous ones, namely Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Motor Vehicle Title Transfer Tax (BBNKB), Surface Water Tax, Fuel Tax, and Cigarette Tax.
Zainab further said that what is interesting about Law number 1 of 2022 is the accent, which is unlike the Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) which is calculated per type of tax, for example PKB, BBNKB with a division of 70 percent province / 30 percent district / city, surface water tax province 50 percent district 50 percent, fuel tax province 30 percent district 70 percent.
So, after recon Bapenda sends to each district / city as their rights, and the one who transfers is the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), because this financial process enters the RKUD.
“Implementation in the future, this option will be divided directly, there is no more division, determination, then sent by the provincial government, now it is no longer like that, the funds will automatically enter directly,” he said.
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According to him, with this opsen scheme, the provincial government and regencies/cities are increasingly synergizing in efforts to collect motor vehicle taxes and efforts to resolve motor vehicle tax arrears.
In addition, this option only applies to three tax object sectors, namely PKB, BBNKB, and MBLB. With the addition of these two tax objects, it is expected to continue to boost regional revenue for development and community welfare.
“Heavy equipment tax has considerable potential if it is maximized, considering that this region has quite large mines in a number of districts. For example, PT IWIP in Halteng, HARITA in Halsel, NHM in Halut, and ANTAM in East Halmahera,” he concluded.