epajak.or.id – Improving Tax Literacy, West Jakarta DGT Regional Office Distributes Tax Inclusion Books.
Education and literacy are key. The public should be aware of the suboptimal level of tax compliance, especially since the current young generation will be the backbone of the country in 2045, as well as tax payers in the future.
Seeing the importance of this, the Head of the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) West Jakarta (Jakbar) Suparno distributed 20 books of “Tax Inclusion Educator Guide for High School Level”, one reading book “Ku, Mu, Nya: Tax is Mine, Yours, and His”, as well as sports equipment in the form of five volleyballs and five basketballs to SMA Negeri (SMAN) 4 Surakarta.
According to him, the activity was carried out in order to increase literacy and insight into DGT institutions for students and teachers. On the other hand, this activity also aims to enrich tax data by instilling tax awareness among students from an early age.
“Hopefully the books we share can be utilized and Mr. Nanang as the representative of State Senior High School (SMAN) 4 Surakarta is pleased to receive them,” he said in a written statement,
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The book “Tax Inclusion Educator Guide for High School Level” itself contains guidelines for teachers in delivering taxation material. The taxation material is not technical material, but nontechnical material. Starting from the importance of taxes for the country, the benefits of taxes in everyday life, the difference between central and local taxes, and so on.
While the book “Ku, Mu, Nya: Tax is Mine, Yours, and His” is a collection of writings that convey information about taxes through a literary approach. It consists of four chapters, and contains 48 writings that describe taxes in a simple way, but full of meaning and learning.
Meanwhile, Deputy Head of SMAN 4 Surakarta for Student Affairs Nanang Inwanto gave a positive appreciation and thanked the West Jakarta DGT Office for the book that had been given. He also hoped that the receipt of the book can increase literacy and knowledge about taxation, especially for the younger generation.
“We are sure that what you convey will definitely be useful for our children and can increase literacy at SMAN 4 Surakarta, especially about taxation,” he said.