epajak.or.id – DGT West Jakarta and Jaksus Regional Office Hold Tax Seminar for Investors , The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) West Jakarta Regional Office (Jakbar) collaborated with the Special Jakarta DGT Regional Office (Jaksus) and the Indonesian Chinese Association (INTI) to organize a seminar with the theme “Tax Facilities and Incentives for Foreign Investment in Indonesia”. Interestingly, this seminar was held in a hybrid manner at the Head Office of the INTI Association, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, and participants from China through a zoom meeting.
The seminar was held as an effort to provide information, knowledge, and understanding regarding tax facilities that can be utilized by potential investors from China who come to Indonesia, where the INTI Association helps bridge investment realization in Indonesia.
INTI Association Secretary General Candra Jap revealed that by holding this event, his party could contribute to the recovery of the pancapandemic economy as mandated by President Joko Widodo and help investors get information about investment directly from the source.
“This seminar aims to provide awareness to the public that taxes contribute a lot to life,” he told Tax Magazine on Tuesday (26/09).
In his remarks, Head of the Jaksus DGT Regional Office Irawan said that investment is a leverage so that it can be faster to achieve the goal of a golden Indonesia in 2045.
“To achieve this, collaboration is needed with many investor countries that already have more advanced technology, one of which is investor friends from China,” he said.
As a government partner, he also hopes that the INTI Association can become a bridge between the DGT and taxpayers in its capacity related to tax information.
Meanwhile, Head of Counseling, Service, and Public Relations (P2Humas) of West Jakarta DGT Regional Office Herry Setyawan said that his office often cooperates with all parties, especially communities.
“We see that the community is very important as a partner in communicating and delivering messages from DGT to the public, one of which is the INTI Association. Where the community oversees several other communities in it,” he said.
He added, the DGT West Jakbar Regional Office wanted to introduce more closely to the actors and entrepreneurs here, so that they would know, understand and later understand.
“Later, if they understand, they will get used to fulfilling their tax obligations,” he added.
Furthermore, Herry explained that besides being a revenue function, taxes also have a regulatory function. In terms of regulatory function, the government is now actively attracting investors from abroad through several facilities, such as tax holiday and tax allowance.
“It is hoped that the hearing entrepreneurs are really more confident, understand, so they can realize their investment in Indonesia, and get enlightenment related to taxation,” he explained.
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The same thing was also conveyed by the Chairman of the INTI Association Teddy Sugianto. He invited investors who attended online and offline not to hesitate to invest in Indonesia and appealed to taxpayers to obey paying taxes.
Present as the speaker of this activity was Functional Tax Counselor of the Regional Tax Office Dendi Amrin, who in his presentation said that investors can take advantage of tax facilities and incentives such as tax allowances, tax holidays, Research and Development Superdeduction, and / or Vocational Superdeduction in Indonesia in accordance with the provisions of the applicable tax laws and regulations.